Collinder’s Catalog of Open Star Clusters   Leave a comment


An Observer’s Checklist

Edited by Thomas Watson


The Updated and Observer Friendly Rendition of

Collinder’s Catalog of Open Star Clusters

 In 2004 a puzzle presented by a star chart notation sent me off on what, for many months, seemed like the proverbial wild goose chase.   Persistence and a good deal of luck, however, eventually led me to the solution to the puzzle, and to the creation of this observer’s checklist.

Like many of you, I have a fondness for the Coathanger, a curious and well-named asterism.   I first became aware of its existence while using a copy of Dickinson’s Nightwatch as I reacquainted myself with the night sky.   Not long afterward I picked up a copy of the 19th edition of the Norton’s Star Atlas and Reference Handbook and found, where the Coathanger should be, the designation “Cr 399.”   What, I wondered, did the letters “Cr” stand for?   In this age of instant access to all manner of information, I soon learned that the notation referred to a catalog of open star clusters created by a Swedish astronomy graduate student – Per Arne Collinder – for his 1931 doctoral dissertation.   (“On Structural Properties of Open Clusters and Their Spatial Distribution.”)   Web searches and conventional digging around in the library brought limited results.   I came across a reference to the fact that Collinder had gone on to become, not an astronomer, but something of an authority on navigation.   I also found that many studies of stars and star clusters (to this day) cite Collinder’s dissertation as a reference.   He may have become a mystery to amateur astronomers, but his work was obviously of use to someone.   Nothing else about this admittedly minor character in the history of astronomy was forthcoming.   No copies of Collinder’s dissertation existed in the local university library, so I was unable to see the catalog, much less read the man’s findings with regards to this class of deep sky objects.   I’d come to a dead end, my curiosity far from satisfied.

I really hate when that happens.

Astronomy writer Nancy Thomas, in the Winter 2005 issue of Amateur Astronomy magazine, published an essay on Collinder that rekindled my interest in his catalog.   Like me, she had been sent on her quest, years ago, by the “Cr 399” notation for the Coathanger.   However, she had done substantially better in her efforts to learn about Collinder, coming up with a photocopy of his catalog (reproduced by the US Naval Observatory directly from his dissertation) and an obituary that, when translated, provided a nutshell account of the man’s life.   (See “Per Collinder and His Catalog,” by Nancy Thomas; Amateur Astronomy #48, Winter 2005.)   At the end of her essay, Ms. Thomas expressed the hope that amateur astronomers would take up the challenge of using Collinder’s catalog as an observing list.   This seemed a vain hope, without a copy of the catalog.   I wrote Nancy a letter to congratulate her on her findings, express appreciation for publishing her results, and to say that I would be interested in taking up the challenge if I could trouble her for a copy of the catalog.   This, she was most happy to do, and in a couple of weeks a photocopy of it arrived in my mailbox.

To say I was pleased by this turn of events would be an understatement.   I studied the catalog and soon came to the realization that, in its original form, the catalog was of little use to the amateur observer.   It contained out-dated coordinates, incorrect NGC and IC numbers (often through no fault of the author), and data that was just plain obscure from the perspective of the average backyard observer.   The idea occurred to convert this document into a more streamlined form that might appeal to those who have an interest in both astronomy and history, and so I set to work updating the catalog in a spreadsheet.   This turned into a larger task than I expected, especially when I set about finding correct NGC numbers for the objects.   To accomplish this, and to provide modern coordinate information, I came to rely heavily on the Historically Corrected New General Catalogue Ver 1.02 (available on line) and the book Star Clusters by Brent A. Archinal and Steven J. Hynes (Willmann-Bell).   No observer of deep sky objects should remain unacquainted with these references.

As I was working my way through the process of making the conversion, a chance came my way, in the summer of 2006, to see Collinder’s dissertation in its entirety.   A spur of the moment search with Google Scholar, followed up by a call to the folks at the University of Arizona interlibrary loan program, put a copy of the seventy-five year old tome in my hands for a few weeks.   It was an interesting read, written as it was in a more personable and human style than we see used in professional science journals and dissertations these days.   Of greatest interest was the collection of notes that followed the catalog, in which Collinder discusses the individual objects he decided to include in his research.   Holding that old dissertation in my hands, after trying for so long to find out anything at all about its author, was a very satisfying experience.   The search had come full circle.

Although the majority of the open clusters used by Collinder for his research were objects discovered by other observers over the ages, a significant number of these objects were recognized for what they are for the first time by Collinder, himself.   It is for this reason, of course, that the “Cr” designation that sent me on my quest remains on star charts today.   The catalog as a whole is a catalog in its own right in that it is a compilation of data on a specific class of objects (open clusters) assembled to facilitate a study of the characteristics of those objects.   But whatever use Collinder – and those who came after him – made of this catalog, we now have the option, thanks in large part to the detective work of Nancy Thomas, of using this large collection of objects as resource for our enjoyment of the night sky.   I hope this version of it does indeed prove to be user friendly enough to guide you to many worthwhile encounters with the open star clusters of the Milky Way galaxy.

Using the Updated Collinder Catalog

As you observe these objects through the eyepiece it might be interesting to keep in mind that Collinder apparently never saw the majority of the clusters he listed directly with his own eyes.   Much, if not most, of his work was done using photographic plates taken from a variety of observatories.   Because he used this approach, a significant number of the clusters in his catalog are objects out of reach of northern hemisphere observers. That seems fair enough, when you consider that a comparable number are invisible to observers in the south.   The checklist has been left in the original order according to each object’s Cr number, just as Collinder published it, with no attempt made to sort according to the prospective observer’s latitude.

Most of the clusters in the Collinder Catalog are objects suited to telescopes of various sizes.   Some require high magnification, others a low power wide field eyepiece.   Some are best viewed with binoculars, or even with the naked eye.   If nothing else, Collinder’s catalog clearly illustrates that open star clusters represent a highly diverse set of deep sky objects.

The following is an explanation of the column headings of the checklist derived from Collinder’s catalog.

Cr #   The catalog number assigned by Collinder to each object included in his study.

NGC/Other Cat   Provides connections to the more general resources from which Collinder derived his list of open clusters. Not all of these designations were included in Collinder’s original catalog.   They are added here to allow for easier cross referencing with modern resources.   In a few cases Collinder got an NGC/IC number wrong, and where the erroneous number might be found in other references, this has been noted.   Also, some of his designations, while correct in their time, are seldom used these days. A few of these, such as that for the Coathanger asterism (4-5 Vul)) have been retained as curiosities.

Con  The constellation in which the object is found.

RA and DEC    The celestial coordinates of the objects according to the Historically Corrected New General Catalogue (HCNGC) v1.02.   The coordinates listed in Collinder’s dissertation are from the early 1900s and are not reproduced in this checklist.   (See original catalog.)

M (v/p)   Estimates of the apparent magnitudes of these clusters, either visual (v) or photographic (p) taken from such sources as NSOG, the SEDS website, and Archinal & Hynes, and The Historically Corrected New General Catalogue (HCNGC) v.1.02.   The magnitudes recorded by Collinder often do not agree with modern sources.   (See original catalog.)

# Stars Estimates of the number of stars contained within star clusters, determined by the examination of photographic plates.   Most of these counts are by Collinder.   Where he did not provide a number one was substituted from other (usually more recent) sources, as indicated by a number in parenthesis.   This segregation was done in order to help maintain some sense of what Collinder measured in his work, while still providing useful information to modern observers.   Although these numbers can be useful for giving the observer some sense for the cluster’s nature, always bear in mind that the number of stars seen will be strongly influenced by aperture and conditions.

Size ‘  Modern estimates of angular size – in arc minutes – taken from sources such as The Historically Corrected New General Catalogue (HCNGC) v.1.02 and The Night Sky Observer’s Guide (NSOG) by Kepple and Sanner.

Class   A classification system used to describe clusters by comparing them to typical and well known clusters as examples.   Classifications of this sort from both Collinder and Lundmark (his doctoral advisor) are included in the original catalog, but only Collinder’s assessment (which in the overwhelming majority of cases is the same as Lundmark’s) are used for this list.   This system of descriptive classification is included partly for the historical insight it provides into how these objects were seen by the researcher involved, and also because they might offer an aid to the identification of objects when they are found.

Plei = Pleiades (M45)

Praes = Praesepe (M44)

μ Norm = mu Normae Cluster (NGC 6169)

Glob = resembled a globular cluster

Chain = string-like asterism

Neb = appears nebulous, or contains nebulosity

nl = none listed

Notes ( n)   Useful information that it is hoped provides some clarification of discrepancies between Collinder’s sources and those currently in use.


Catalog and Checklist


Col # NGC/Other Cat. Con RA DEC m ( v/p) # Stars Size Class n
1 103 Cas 00h 25m 17.4s +61º 19′ 19″ 9.8v (30) 5 Plei
2 129 Cas 00h 29m 54.1s +60º 12′ 35″ 6.5v 20 21 Plei
3 133 Cas 00h 31m 16.9s +63º 21′ 10″ 9.4v 20 7 Plei
4 136 Cas 00h 31m 30.7s +61º 30′ 34″ 11.3p (20) 1.2 Praes
5 146 Cas 00h 33m 03.9s +63º 18′ 33″ 9.1v 20 6 Plei
6 188 Cep 00h 47m 29.7s +85º 14′ 29″ 8.1v (120) 13 Praes
7 225 Cas 00h 43m 32.3s +61º 47′ 25″ 7.0v 18 12 Plei
8 IC1590 Cas 00h 52m 59.3s +56º 37′ 19″ 7.4p nl 25×30 Neb 1
9 366 Cas 01h 06m 25.9s +62º 13′ 44″ 12p (30) 3 Plei
10 381 Cas 01h 08m 14.9s +61º 35′ 00″ 9.3v 38 6 Praes
11 436 Cas 01h 15m 57.7s +58º 49′ 02″ 8.8v 25 5 Praes
12 457 Cas 01h 19m 32.6s +58º 17′ 27″ 6.4v 40 13 Praes
13 559 Cas 01h 29m 29.1s +63º 18′ 30″ 9.5v 35 4.4 Praes
14 581 (M103) Cas 01h 33m 21.8s +60º 39′ 29″ 7.4v 25 6 Praes
15 Tr.1 Cas 01h 35m 42.0s +61º 17′ 00″ 8.1v (20) 7.4 Praes
16 609 Cas 01h 36m 23.7s +64º 32′ 12″ 11.0v (100+) 3 Praes
17 637 Cas 01h 43m 03.1s +64º 02′ 12″ 8.2v 11 3.5 Plei
18 654 Cas 01h 43m 59.4s +61º 52′ 58″ 6.5v 30 5 Praes
19 659 Cas 01h 44m 23.0s +60º 40′ 09″ 7.9v 15 5 Praes
20 663 Cas 01h 46m 16.0s +61º 13′ 06″ 7.1v 60 16 Praes
21 Tri 01h 50m 12.0s +27º 05′ 00″ 7.3v 15 7 Plei 2
22 744 Per 01h 58m 29.9s +55º 28′ 29″ 7.9v 12 11 Plei
23 752 And 01h 57m 47.9s +37º 51′ 00″ 5.7v 50 50 Plei
24 869 Per 02h 19m 03.8s +57º 08′ 06″ 5.3v 250 29 Praes 3
25 884 Per 02h 22m 32.1s +57º 08′ 39″ 6.1v 200 29 Praes 3
26 Mel 15 (IC1805) Cas 02h 32m 42.0s +61º 27′ 00″ 7.9v 25 22 Plei 4
27 956 And 02h 32m 30.9s +44º 35′ 37″ 8.9p 20 7 Plei
28 957 Per 02h 33m 19.0s +57º 34′ 11″ 7.6v 18 11 Plei
29 Tr.2 Per 02h 37m 18.0s +55º 59′ 00″ 5.9v 18 20 Plei
30 1027 Cas 02h 42m 35.1s +61º 35′ 40″ 6.7v 40 20 Neb
31 1039 (M34) Per 02h 42m 07.4s +42º 44′ 46″ 5.2v 60 35 Praes
32 IC1848 Cas 02h 51m 12.0s +60º 26′ 00″ 6.5v 20 12 Plei 5
33 IC1848 Cas 02h 59m 18.0s +60º 24′ 00″ 5.9p 100 39 Plei 5
34 IC1848 Cas 03h 00m 54.0s +60º 25′ 00″ 6.8p 60 25 Plei 5
35 1193 Per 03h 05m 55.7s +44º 22′ 59″ 12.6v (40) 1.5 Plei
36 Tr.3 Cas 03h 11m 48.0s +63° 15′ 00″ 7p 30 23 Plei
37 1220 Per 03h 11m 40.7s +53º 20′ 54″ 11.8v (15) 2 Plei
38 1245 Per 03h 14m 41.5s +47º 14′ 20″ 8.4v 65 10 Praes
39 Mel 20 (PMC) Per 03h 22m 00.0s +49º 00′ 00″ 1.2v 60 185 Plei 6
40 1342 Per 03h 31m 40.1s +37º 22′ 28″ 6.7v 30 14 Plei
41 IC348 Per 03h 44m 30.0s +32º 17′ 00″ 7.3v 10 7 Neb 7
42 M45 Tau 03h 47m 00.0s +24º 07′ 00″ 1.2v 100 110 Neb
43 1444 Per 03h 49m 22.9s +52º 39′ 44″ 6.6v 7 4 μNorm
44 1496 Per 04h 04m 31.9s +52º 39′ 41″ 9.6v (10) 6 Plei
45 1502 Cam 04h 07m 49.3s +62º 19′ 54″ 6.9v 15 7 μNorm
46 1513 Per 04h 09m 54.7s +49º 31′ 02″ 8.4v 40 9 Praes
47 1528 Per 04h 15m 18.9s +51º 12′ 41″ 6.4v 50 23 Praes
48 IC361 Cam 04h 19m 00.0s +58º 18′ 00″ 11.7v (60) 6 Praes
49 1545 Per 04h 20m 56.3s +50º 15′ 19″ 6.2v 18 18 Plei
50 Mel 25 (TMC) Tau 04h 27m 00.0s +16º 00′ 00″ 0.5v 36 330 Plei 8
51 1582 Per 04h 32m 00.0s +43º 50′ 53″ 7.0v 60 37 Plei
52 1605 Per 04h 34m 54.3s +45º 16′ 11″ 10.7v (40+) 5 Praes
53 1624 Per 04h 40m 36.5s +50º 27′ 42″ 11.8v (12) 5×5 Plei
54 1647 Tau 04h 45m 55.6s +19º 06′ 42″ 6.4v 60 45 Praes
55 1662 Ori 04h 48m 28.9s +10º 55′ 49″ 6.4v 14 20 Plei
56 1664 Aur 04h 51m 08.4s +43º 40′ 28″ 7.6v 30 18 Praes
57 1746 Tau 05h 03m 50.2s +23º 46′ 04″ 6.1v 70 42 Praes
58 1778 Aur 05h 08m 05.7s +37º 01′ 22″ 7.7v 15 6 Plei
59 1807 Tau 05h 10m 41.1s +16º 31′ 52″ 7.0v 18 17 Plei
60 1817 Tau 05h 12m 26.3s +16º 41′ 03″ 7.7v 85 16 Praes
61 1857 Aur 05h 20m 05.5s +39º 20′ 37″ 7.0v 40 5 Plei
62 nl Aur 05h 22m 30.0s +41º 00′ 00″ 4.2v 15 28 Plei
63 1893 Aur 05h 22m 45.1s +33º 25′ 13″ 7.5v 30 11 Plei 9
64 1883 Aur 05h 25m 54.2s +46º 29′ 25″ 12.0v 12 2.5 Plei
65 nl Tau 05h 25m 05.0s +15º 41′ 59″ 3.0v 30 220 Plei
66 1907 Aur 05h 28m 04.5s +35º 19′ 32″ 8.2v 8 6 Praes
67 1912 (M38) Aur 05h 28m 42.5s +35º 51′ 18″ 6.4v 120 21 Praes
68 1931 Aur 05h 31m 25.8s +34º 14′ 42″ 10.1v (20) 4×4 Neb
69 Orion Cluster Ori 05h 35m 28.8s +09º 56′ 28″ 2.8v 25 70 Neb 10
70 Orion Belt Ori 05h 35m 36.0s -01º 05′ 00″ 0.6v 125 140 Neb 11
71 1960 (M36) Aur 05h 36m 17.7s +34º 08′ 27 6.0v 60 12 Praes
72 1980 Ori 05h 35m 25.9s -05º 54′ 35″ 2.5v 12 14×14 Neb
73 1981 Ori 05h 35m 09.6s -04º 25′ 30″ 4.2v 13 25 Plei
74 Ori 05h 48m 30.0s +07º 24′ 00″ 14.4p 12± 5 nl
75 2099 (M37) Aur 05h 52m 18.3s +32º 33′ 11″ 5.6v 250 23 Praes
76 2112 Ori 05h 53m 45.2s +00º 24′ 39″ 9.1v 45 11 Praes
77 2129 Gem 06h 01m 06.5s +23º 19′ 20″ 6.7v 20 6 Plei
78 2126 Aur 06h 02m 33.0s +49º 51′ 57″ 10.2v 18 6 Plei
79 2141 Ori 06h 02m 55.1s +10º 26′ 47″ 9.4v (100) 10 Praes
80 Tr.4 Gem 06h 05m 00.0s +24º 00′ 00″ 8.4p 15 6 Plei
81 2158 Gem 06h 07m 25.6s +24º 05′ 46″ 8.6v (100+) 5 Praes 12
82 2168 (M35) Gem 06h 08m 55.9s +24º 21′ 28″ 5.1v 175 28 Praes
83 2169 Ori 06h 08m 24.3s +13º 57′ 53″ 5.9v 8 6 Plei
84 2175 Ori 06h 09m 39.6s +20º 29′ 15″ 6.8v 16 40×30 μNorm 13
85 2186 Ori 06h 12m 07.1s +05º 27′ 31″ 8.7v 10 4 Praes
86 2192 Aur 06h 15m 17.4s +39º 51′ 19″ 10.9v (45) 5 Plei
87 2194 Ori 06h 13m 45.9s +12º 48′ 24″ 8.5v 35 10 Praes
88 2204 Cma 06h 15m 32.2s -18º 39′ 57″ 8.6v 65 12 Praes
89 9-12 Gem Gem 06h 18m 00.0s +23º 38′ 00″ 5.7 20 60 Plei
90 2215 Mon 06h 20m 49.2s -07º 17′ 02″ 8.4v 22 11 Plei
91 Mon 06h 21m 42.0s +02º 22′ 00″ 6.4p 20 17 Plei
92 Mon 06h 22m 54.0s +05º 07′ 00″ 8.6v 30 11 Neb
93 2232 Mon 06h 27m 15.0s -04º 50′ 51″ 4.2v 18 29 Plei
94 2236 Mon 06h 29m 39.7s +06º 49′ 50″ 8.5v 18 6 Plei
95 Mon 06h 30m 30.0s +09º 56′ 00″ nl 10 27 Neb
96 Mon 06h 30m 18.0s +02º 52′ 00″ 7.3v 12 7 Plei
97 Mon 06h 31m 18.0s +05º 55′ 00″ 5.4p 9 21 Plei
98 2243 Cma 06h 29m 34.5s -31º 16′ 53″ 9.4v (100) 5 Praes
99 2244 Mon 06h 31m 55.6s +04º 56′ 35″ 4.8v 18 24 Plei
100 2250 Mon 06h 33m 49.9s -05º 05′ 04″ 8.9p (10) 7 Plei
101 2251 Mon 06h 34m 38.5s +08º 21′ 59″ 7.3v 20 10 Plei
102 2252 Mon 06h 34m 42.9s +05º 21′ 59″ 7.7v 10± 20 Plei
103 2254 Mon 06h 35m 49.7s +07º 40′ 24″ 9.1v 20 4 Plei
104 Mon 06h 36m 30.0s +04º 49′ 00″ 9.6p 15 21 Chain
105 Tr.5 Mon 06h 37m 36.0s +09º 26′ 00″ 10.9p 20 8 Plei
106 Mon 06h 37m 06.0s +05º 57′ 00″ 4.6p 23 45 Plei
107 Mon 06h 37m 42.0s +04º 44′ 00″ 5.1p 30 35 Plei
108 2259 Mon 06h 38m 21.4s +10º 53′ 01″ 10.8v (25) 4.5 Plei
109 2262 Mon 06h 39m 38.1s +01º 08′ 37″ 11.3v (35) 3.5 Plei 14
110 Mon 06h 38m 24.0s +02º 01′ 00″ 10.5p 60 12 Praes
111 Mon 06h 38m 42.0s +06º 54′ 00″ 7.0p 8 3.2 μNorm
112 2264 Mon 06h 40m 58.3s +09º 53′ 44″ 4.1v 45 20 μNorm
113 2266 Gem 06h 43m 19.2s +26º 58′ 10″ 9.5v 50± 6 Praes
114 2269 Mon 06h 43m 17.1s +04º 37′ 28″ 10.0v 4 Plei
115 Mon 06h 46m 30.0s +01º 46′ 00″ 9.2p 25 7 Plei
116 2281 Aur 06h 48m 17.8s +41º 04′ 44″ 5.4v 23 14 Plei
117 2286 Mon 06h 47m 40.1s -03º 08′ 52″ 7.5v 50 14 Plei
118 2287 (M41) Cma 06h 46m 00.0s -20º 46′ 00″ 4.5v 160 38 Praes
119 2301 Mon 06h 51m 45.3s +00º 27′ 33″ 6.0v 60 12 Plei
120 2304 Gem 06h 55m 11.9s +17º 59′ 19″ 10.0v 30± 5 Praes
121 Cma 06h 54m 12.0s -24º 38′ 00″ 2.6v 20 50 Plei
122 2309 Mon 06h 56m 03.6s -07º 10′ 28″ 10.5v 14± 3 Plei
123 2311 Mon 06h 57m 47.5s -04º 36′ 41″ 9.6v 20 6 Plei
124 2323 (M50) Mon 07h 02m 42.3s -08º 23′ 26″ 5.9v 45 16 Plei
125 2324 Mon 07h 04m 07.9s +01º 02′ 41″ 8.4v 50 7 Praes
126 2331 Gem 07h 06m 59.8s +27º 15′ 42″ 8.5v 20 18 Plei
127 2335 Mon 07h 06m 49.5s -10º 01′ 43″ 7.2v 40 12 Plei
128 2343 Mon 07h 08m 06.8s -10º 37′ 01″ 6.7v 12 6 Plei
129 2345 Cma 07h 08m 18.8s -13º 11′ 38″ 7.7v 45 12 Praes
130 2353 Mon 07h 14m 30.3s -10º 15′ 57″ 7.1v 60 20 μNorm
131 2354 Cma 07h 14m 15.3s -25º 41′ 33″ 6.5v 30 20 Praes
132 Cma 07h 14m 24.0s -31º 10′ 00″ 3.6v 18 95 Plei
133 2355 Gem 07h 16m 59.3s +13º 44′ 59″ 9.7v 30 9 Praes
134 2360 Cma 07h 17m 43.1s -15º 38′ 29″ 7.2v 50 12 Praes
135 Pup 07h 17m 18.0s -36º 50′ 00″ 2.1v 16 50 Neb?
136 2362 Cma 07h 18m 41.5s -24º 57′ 15″ 3.8v 20 8 μNorm
137 2367 Cma 07h 20m 04.5s -21º 53′ 03″ 7.9v (30) 3.5 Plei
138 2368 Mon 07h 21m 06.3s -10º 22′ 18″ 11.8v (15) 5 Praes
139 2374 Cma 07h 23m 56.1s -13º 15′ 48″ 8.0v 40 19 Plei
140 Cma 07h 23m 54.0s -32º 12′ 00″ 3.5v 15 42 Plei
141 2383 Cma 07h 24m 39.9s -20º 56′ 51″ 8.4v 25± 5 Praes
142 2384a Cma 07h 25m 11.8s -21º 01′ 24″ 7.4v (15) 2.5 μNorm
143 2384b Cma 07h 25m 11.8s -21º 01′ 24″ nl nl nl μNorm
144 2395 Gem 07h 27m 12.9s +13º 36′ 29″ 8.0v 22 12 Plei
145 Tr.6 Cma 07h 26m 06.0s -24º 18′ 00″ 10.0p 20 6 Plei
146 Tr.7 Pup 07h 27m 18.0s -24º 02′ 00″ 7.9v 12± 5 Plei
147 Mel.66 Pup 07h 26m 23.0s -47º 40′ 00″ 7.8p (200) 10 Praes
148 2396 Pup 07h 28m 02.9s -11º 43′ 11″ 7.4v 40 10 Plei
149 2401 Pup 07h 29m 24.4s -13º 57′ 58″ 12.6v (20) 2 Praes
150 2414 Pup 07h 33m 12.8s -15º 27′ 14″ 7.9v (35) 4 Plei
151 2421 Pup 07h 36m 11.8s -20º 36′ 44″ 8.3v 28 10 Praes
152 2422 (M47) Pup 07h 36m 35.0s -14º 28′ 57″ 4.4v 50 29 Plei
153 2423 Pup 07h 37m 06.7s -13º 52′ 17″ 6.7v 40 19 Praes
154 2420 Gem 07h 38m 23.9s +21º 34′ 27″ 8.3v (100+) 10 Plei
155 Mel.71 Pup 07h 37m 30.0s -12º 04′ 00″ 7.1v 60 9 Praes
156 Mel.72 Mon 07h 38m 24.0s -10º 41′ 00″ 10.1p 24 9 Praes 15
157 2432 Pup 07h 40m 53.8s -19º 05′ 09″ 10.2v (50+) 7 Praes
158 2439 Pup 07h 40m 45.4s -31º 41′ 33″ 6.9v 26 10 Plei
159 2437 (M46) Pup 07h 41m 46.8s -14º 48′ 36″ 6.1v 125 27 Praes
160 2447 (M93) Pup 07h 44m 29.2s -23º 51′ 11″ 6.2v 80 22 Praes
161 2451 Pup 07h 45m 15.0s -37º 58′ 03″ 2.8v 35 45 Plei
162 2453 Pup 07h 47m 34.1s -27º 11′ 41″ 8.3v 10 5 Plei
163 2455 Pup 07h 48m 58.6s -21º 17′ 53″ 10.2v 20 7 Plei
164 2467 Pup 07h 52m 29.5s -26º 25′ 48″ 7.1v 20 15 Neb
165 2477 Pup 07h 52m 09.8s -38º 32′ 00″ 5.8v 300 27 Glob
166 2482 Pup 07h 55m 10.3s -24º 15′ 17″ 7.3v 28 12 Plei
167 Tr.8 Pup 07h 55m 04.0s -17º 42′ 35″ 9.6p 30 7 Praes
168 Tr.9 Pup 07h 55m 18.0s -25º 56′ 00″ 8.7v 14 5 Plei
169 2489 Pup 07h 56m 15.9s -30º 03′ 51″ 7.9v 60 8 Praes
170 2506 Mon 08h 00m 01.7s -10º 46′ 11″ 7.6v 80 8 Praes
171 2509 Pup 08h 00m 47.8s -19º 03′ 02″ 9.3v 30 8 Plei
172 2516 Car 07h 58m 07.1s -60º 45′ 12″ 3.8v 70 29 Praes
173 Vel 08h 02m 49.0s -46º 23′ 00″ 0.6v 70 370 Plei
174 2527 Pup 08h 04m 58.2s -28º 08′ 48″ 6.5v 40 22 Plei
175 2533 Pup 08h 07m 04.1s -29º 53′ 02″ 7.6v 30± 3.5 Praes
176 2539 Pup 08h 10m 37.9s -12º 49′ 09″ 6.5v 65 21 Praes
177 2547 Vel 08h 10m 10.5s -49º 13′ 32″ 4.7v 40 20 Plei
178 2546 Pup 08h 12m 15.6s -37º 35′ 39″ 6.3v 40 40 Plei
179 2548 (M48) Hya 08h 13m 43.1s -05º 45′ 02″ 5.8v 90 54 Praes
180 2567 Pup 08h 18m 29.1s -30º 38′ 44″ 7.4v 40 10 Plei
181 2571 Pup 08h 18m 56.3s -29º 44′ 57″ 7.0v 20 13 Plei
182 2579 Pup 08h 20m 53.0s -36º 13′ 02″ 7.5v 14 10 Plei 16
183 2580 Pup 08h 21m 27.9s -30º 17′ 36″ 9.7v 25 7 Praes
184 2587 Pup 08h 23m 24.1s -29º 30′ 31″ 9.2v 18 9 Plei
185 Pup 08h 22m 30.0s -36º 10′ 00″ 7.8v 15 8 Plei
186 2588 Pup 08h 23m 09.5s -32º 58′ 31″ 11.8v (20+) 2 Praes
187 Pup 08h 24m 12.0s -29º 09′ 00″ 9.6p (20) 7 Plei
188 2627 Pyx 08h 37m 14.9s -29º 57′ 01″ 8.4v 30 11 Praes
189 2632 (M44) Cnc 08h 40m 22.2s +19º 40′ 19″ 3.1v 60 95 Praes
190 2635 Pyx 08h 38m 26.0s -34º 46′ 18″ 11.2v (15) 3 Praes
191 IC2391 Vel 08h 40m 21.0s -53º 05′ 21″ 2.0v 15 60 Plei 17
192 IC2395 Vel 08h 42m 31.0s -48º 06′ 30″ 4.0v 19 7 Plei
193 2660 Vel 08h 42m 38.0s -47º 12′ 02″ 8.8v (70) 4 Glob
194 2659 Vel 08h 42m 33.0s -45º 00′ 02″ 8.6v 35 2.7 Praes
195 2658 Pyx 08h 43m 27.3s -32º 39′ 22″ 9.2v 40 12 Praes
196 Pyx 08h 45m 00.0s -31º 38′ 00″ 10.5p (12) 5 Praes
197 Vel 08h 44m 51.0s -41º 14′ 00″ 6.7p 14 40 Plei
198 Pyx 08h 45m 18.0s -31º 46′ 00″ 11.2 nl 5 Praes
199 2669 Vel 08h 46m 19.0s -52º 56′ 06″ 6.1v 25 12 Praes 18
200 2670 Vel 08h 45m 29.5s -48º 47′ 30″ 7.8v 25 9 Plei
201 2671 Vel 08h 46m 11.9s -41º 52′ 38″ 11.6v (40) 4 Praes
202 Harv.3 Vel 08h 46m 30.0s -52º 54′ 00″ 6.1p 22 12 Plei 18
203 Tr.10 Vel 08h 47m 54.0s -42º 27′ 00″ 5.0v 18 29 Plei
204 2682 (M67) Cnc 08h 51m 20.1s +11º 48′ 43″ 6.9v 90 29 Praes
205 Markarian 18 Vel 09h 00m 32.0s -48º 59′ 06″ 7.8v 8 5 μNorm
206 2818 Pyx 09h 16m 01.5s -36º 37′ 37″ 8.2v 25 9 Praes 19
207 2849 Vel 09h 19m 22.9s -40º 31′ 13″ 12.5v (40) 2.3 Praes
208 IC2488 Vel 09h 27m 45.0s -57º 40′ 08″ 7.4 70 18 Plei
209 2910 Vel 09h 30m 29.0s -52º 54′ 50″ 7.2v 15 5 Plei
210 2925 Vel 09h 33m 10.9s -53º 23′ 45″ 8.3v 30 12 Plei
211 2972 Vel 09h 40m 11.5s -50º 19′ 15″ 9.9v (25) 4 Praes
212 3033 Vel 09h 48m 39.1s -56º 24′ 42″ 8.8v (50) 5 Plei
213 Vel 09h 54m 35.0s -50º 55′ 11″ 9.2p 21 17 Plei
214 3105 Vel 10h 00m 39.5s -54º 47′ 15″ 9.7v (20) 2 Praes
215 3114 Car 10h 02m 42.7s -60º 06′ 32″ 4.2v 100 35 Plei
216 Tr.11 Car 10h 04m 58.6s -61º 36′ 54″ 8.1p 15 5 Plei
217 Tr.12 Car 10h 06m 29.0s -60º 18′ 00″ 8.8p 12 4 Plei
218 3228 Vel 10h 21m 22.2s -51º 43′ 57″ 6.0v 22 5 Plei
219 Tr.13 Car 10h 23m 49.6s -60º 08′ 14 “ 11.3 (40) 5 Plei
220 (incorrectly) 3247 Car 10h 25m 52.0s -57º 55′ 35″ 7.6p 18 6 Plei 20
221 3255 Car 10h 26m 31.3s -60º 40′ 42″ 11.0v (30) 2 Glob 21
222 IC2581 Car 10h 27m 36.0s -57º 40′ 13″ 4.0v 14 7 μNorm
223 Car 10h 30m 24.0s -60º 05′ 00″ 9.4 30 9 Plei
224 3293 Car 10h 35m 53.8s -58º 14′ 10″ 4.7v (93) 5 Praes
225 3324 Car 10h 37m 18.7s -58º 39′ 36″ 6.7 (44) 5 (Neb)
226 3330 Vel 10h 38m 47.5s -54º 06′ 56″ 7.4v 20 6 Plei
227 Mel.101 Car 10h 42m 12.0s -65º 06′ 00″ 8.0v 70 16 Praes
228 Car 10h 42m 04.0s -59º 55′ 00″ 4.4v 50 14 Neb
229 IC2602 Car 10h 43m 23.0s -64º 26′ 13″ 1.0v 24 100 Neb
230 Tr.14 Car 10h 43m 56.0s -59º 33′ 00″ 5.5v (44) 5 Neb
231 Tr.15 Car 10h 44m 43.0s -59º 22′ 00″ 7.0v 15 15 Neb
232 Car 10h 44m 59.0s -59º 33′ 00″ 6.8v 15 4 Plei
233 eta Car cluster (Tr 16) Car 10h 45m 16.2s -59º 43′ 17″ 5.0v 40 10 Neb 22
234 Tr 16 Car 10h 45m 21.0s -59º 45′ 00″ 5.0v (18) 3 Plei 22
235 Tr.17 Car 10h 56m 24.0s -59º 12′ 00″ 8.4 25 5 Plei
236 Car 10h 57m 17.0s -61º 06′ 36″ 7.7v 30 10 Plei
237 3496 Car 10h 59m 33.8s -60º 20′ 12″ 8.2v 45 9 Praes
238 3532 Car 11h 05m 47.5s -58º 46′ 13″ 3.0v 135 55×50 Praes
239 3572 Car 11h 10m 19.2s -60º 14′ 54″ 6.6v nl 6 Plei 23
240 Car 11h 10m 19.2s -60º 14′ 54″ n/a 20 n/a Plei 23
241 Tr.18 Car 11h 11m 28.0s -60º 40′ 00″ 6.9v 10 6 Plei
242 3590 Car 11h 12m 59.0s -60º 47′ 20″ 8.2v 15 4 Plei
243 Tr.19 Car 11h 15m 07.0s -57º 33′ 00″ 9.6v (40) 10 Praes 24
244 3603 Car 11h 15m 06.6s -61º 15′ 40″ 9.1v (44) 2.5 Praes
245 IC2714 Car 11h 18m 08.0s -62º 44′ 21″ 8.0v 120 15 Praes
246 Mel.105 Car 11h 19m 42.0s -63º 29′ 00″ 8.5v 40± 5 Praes
247 3680 Cen 11h 25m 37.1s -43º 15′ 00″ 7.6v 25 12 Praes
248 3766 Cen 11h 36m 14.4s -61º 36′ 36″ 5.3v 137 12 Praes
249 Cen 11h 36m 52.0s -63º 04′ 24″ 4.0v 25 65 Neb
250 3960 Cen 11h 50m 33.2s -55º 40′ 35″ 8.3v 60 6 Praes
251 4052 Cru 12h 02m 05.2s -63º 13′ 24″ 8.8v 60 10 Plei
252 4103 Cru 12h 06m 39.5s -61º 15′ 00″ 7.4v 20± 6 Plei
253 4230 Cen 12h 17m 09.3s -55º 17′ 10″ 9.4v (15) 7×5 Plei
254 4337 Cru 12h 24m 03.3s -58º 07′ 25″ 8.9v 20 3.5 Plei 25
255 4349 Cru 12h 24m 06.0s -61º 52′ 13″ 7.4v 70 15 Praes
256 Mel.111 Com 12h 25m 00.0s +26º 00′ 00″ 1.8v 30 275 Plei
257 Cru 12h 24m 45.9s -60º 53′ 12″ nl 12 5 Plei 26
258 Harv.5 Cru 12h 27m 10.0s -60º 46′ 00″ 7.1v (25) 5 Plei 26
259 4439 Cru 12h 28m 26.3s -60º 06′ 11″ 8.4v (20) 4 Plei
260 4463 Mus 12h 29m 55.2s -64º 47′ 23″ 7.2v 18± 5 Plei
261 Harv.6 Mus 12h 37m 57.0s -68º 22′ 00″ 10.7v (100) 9 Praes
262 Tr.20 Cru 12h 39m 34.0s -60º 37′ 00″ 10.1v nl 7 Praes
263 4609 Cru 12h 42m 19.9s -62º 59′ 38″ 6.9v 12 5 Plei
264 4755 Cru 12h 53m 37.1s -60º 21′ 22″ 4.2v (218) 10 Plei 27
265 4815 Mus 12h 57m 58.3s -64º 57′ 42″ 8.6v (100) 3 Praes 28
266 4852 Cen 13h 00m 14.5s -59º 36′ 58″ 8.9v 20 11 Plei
267 5053 Com 13h 16m 27.0s +17º 41′ 52″ 9.0v nl 11 Praes 29
268 (Harvard 8) Mus 13h 18m 13.0s -67º 05′ 00″ 9.5v 30 5 Plei
269 Mus 13h 23m 31.0s -66º 10′ 48″ 9.2p nl 15 Plei 30
270 5138 Cen 13h 27m 15.2s -59º 02′ 27″ 7.6v 15 7 Plei
271 Cen 13h 29m 54.0s -64º 12′ 00″ 8.7v 16 5 Plei
272 Cen 13h 30m 26.0s -61º 19′ 00″ 7.7v 15 10 Plei
273 5168 Cen 13h 31m 07.3s -60º 56′ 21″ 9.1v (50) 4 Praes
274 Tr.21 Cen 13h 32m 14.0s -62º 48′ 00″ 7.7v (20) 5 Praes
275 Cen 13h 34m 39.0s -60º 12′ 00″ 10.2v (20) 11 Plei
276 5281 Cen 13h 46m 35.1s -62º 54′ 59″ 5.9v (40) 8 Plei
277 Cir 13h 48m 00.0s -66º 04′ 00″ 9.2v (30) 15 Praes
278 5288 Cir 13h 48m 44.9s -64º 41′ 07″ 11.8v nl 4 Plei
279 5316 Cen 13h 53m 57.2s -61º 52′ 09″ 6.0v 22 13 Plei
280 5460 Cen 14h 07m 27.7s -48º 20′ 33″ 5.6v 50 35 Praes
281 5606 Cen 14h 27m 47.2s -59º 37′ 56″ 7.7v (15) 3 Plei
282 5617 Cen 14h 29m 44.0s -60º 42′ 39″ 6.3v 60 10 Praes
283 Tr.22 Cen 14h 31m 02.0s -61º 10′ 00″ 7.9v 15 10 Plei 31
284 5662 Cen 14h 35m 37.5s -56º 37′ 05″ 5.5v 35 30 Plei
285 Ursa Major Uma 12h 03m 00.0s +58º 00′ 00″ nl nl nl nl
286 5715 Cir 14h 43m 29.7s -57º 34′ 37″ 9.8v 20 5 Praes
287 5749 Lup 14h 48m 53.9s -54º 29′ 51″ 8.8v 16 7 Plei
288 5764 Lup 14h 53m 32.2s -52º 40′ 14″ 12.6v 12 3 nl
289 5822 Lup 15h 04m 21.2s -54º 23′ 47″ 6.5v 100 39 Plei
290 5823 Cir 15h 05m 30.6s -55º 36′ 13″ 7.9v 30 12 Plei
291 5925 Nor 15h 27m 26.7s -54º 31′ 43″ 8.4v 45 20 Plei
292 Nor 15h 49m 51.0s -57º 37′ 11″ 7.9v (50) 15 Plei
293 5999 Nor 15h 52m 08.6s -56º 28′ 22″ 9.0v 40 3 Praes
294 6005 Nor 15h 55m 48.7s -57º 26′ 14″ 10.7v 14 3 Praes 32
295 Tr.23 Nor 16h 00m 48.0s -53º 32′ 00″ 11.2v 25 9 Plei
296 6025 TrA 16h 03m 17.0s -60º 25′ 54″ 5.1v 25 12 Plei
297 6031 Nor 16h 07m 35.0s -54º 00′ 54″ 8.5v (121) 2 Plei
298 6067 Nor 16h 13m 11.0s -54º 13′ 06″ 5.6v 115 12 Praes
299 Harv.10 Nor 16h 19m 54.0s -54º 58′ 00″ 6.9p 24 25 Plei
300 6087 Nor 16h 18m 50.5s -57º 56′ 04″ 5.4v 30 12 Plei
301 6124 Sco 16h 25m 20.0s -40º 39′ 13″ 5.8v 60 40 Praes
302 Antares Cl. Sco 16h 26m 00.0s -26º 13′ 00″ 1.0v 20± 505 Neb
303 6134 Nor 16h 27m 46.5s -49º 09′ 04″ 7.2v 45 6 Praes
304 6152 Nor 16h 32m 45.5s -52º 38′ 38″ 8.1v 35 29 Praes
305 6167 Nor 16h 34m 34.9s -49º 46′ 19″ 6.7v 40 7 Plei
306 6169 Nor 16h 34m 04.6s -44º 02′ 44″ 6.6v (40) 12 μNorm
307 Nor 16h 35m 20.0s -51º 00′ 00″ 9.2v 22 5 Plei
308 6178 Sco 16h 35m 47.2s -45º 38′ 37″ 7.2v 7 4 Plei
309 6192 Sco 16h 40m 23.8s -43º 22′ 00″ 8.5v 25 7 Praes
310 6193 Ara 16h 41m 20.2s -48º 45′ 45″ 5.2v 25 14 Plei
311 6200 Ara 16h 44m 07.3s -47º 27′ 45″ 7.4v 40 12 Plei
312 6204 Ara 16h 46m 09.5s -47º 01′ 01″ 8.2v 20 5 Praes
313 6208 Ara 16h 49m 28.1s -53º 43′ 42″ 7.2v 40 15 Praes
314 6222 Sco 16h 49m 23.5s -44º 43′ 53″ 10.1v 22 4 Praes 33
315 6231 Sco 16h 54m 10.9s -41º 49′ 27″ 2.6v (93) 14 Plei
316 Sco 16h 55m 30.0s -40º 50′ 00″ 6.6v 60 105 Plei 34
317 6242 Sco 16h 55m 33.4s -39º 27′ 39″ 6.4v 50 9 Praes
318 Tr.24 Sco 16h 57m 00.0s -40º 40′ 00″ 8.6p 15 60 Plei
319 6249 Sco 16h 57m 41.5s -44º 48′ 43″ 8.2v 18 6 Plei
320 6250 Ara 16h 57m 56.0s -45º 56′ 12″ 5.9v 10 7 Plei
321 6253 Ara 16h 59m 05.1s -52º 42′ 32″ 10.2v 25 5 Praes
322 6259 Sco 17h 00m 45.3s -44º 39′ 18″ 8.0v 60 10 Praes
323 6268 Sco 17h 02m 10.3s -39º 43′ 42″ 9.5v 22 6 Plei
324 6281 Sco 17h 04m 41.2s -37º 59′ 07″ 5.4v 25 8 Plei
325 6318 Sco 17h 16m 11.5s -39º 25′ 30″ 11.8v 20± 5 Praes
326 6322 Sco 17h 18m 25.7s -42º 56′ 02″ 6.0v 12± 10 Plei
327 IC4651 Ara 17h 25m 14.0s -49º 57′ 35″ 6.9v 65 10 Praes
328 6352 Ara 17h 25m 29.1s -48º 25′ 22″ 7.8v nl 7.1 Glob 35
329 Tr.25 Sco 17h 24m 48.0s -30º 00′ 00″ 11.7p 18± 4 Plei
330 6355 Oph 17h 23m 58.5s -26º 21′ 13″ 8.6v nl 5 Glob 36
331 Tr.26 Oph 17h 28m 30.0s -29º 29′ 00″ 9.5p 20 17 Plei
332 Sco 17h 30m 48.0s -37º 05′ 00″ 8.9v 25 2 Plei
333 Sco 17h 31m 18.0s -34º 05′ 00″ 9.8p 8 5 Plei
334 6374 (6383) Sco 17h 34m 42.4s -32º 34′ 53″ 5.5 10 2.5 Plei 37
335 6383 Sco 17h 34m 42.4s -32º 34′ 53″ 5.5v 10 2.5 μNorm 37
336 Tr.27 Sco 17h 36m 12.0s -33º 29′ 00″ 6.7v 15 6 Plei
337 Tr.28 Sco 17h 36m 48.0s -32º 29′ 00″ 7.7v 22 12.5 Praes
338 Sco 17h 38m 06.0s -37º 43′ 12″ 8.0v 20 20 Plei
339 6396 Sco 17h 37m 38.0s -35º 01′ 33″ 8.5v 8 nl Plei 38
340 6404 Sco 17h 39m 37.3s -33º 14′ 48″ 10.6v 12 5 Plei
341 6405 (M6) Sco 17h 40m 20.7s -32º 15′ 15″ 4.2v 55 33 Plei
342 6400 Sco 17h 40m 12.7s -36º 56′ 52″ 8.8v 25 12 Plei
343 Tr.29 Sco 17h 41m 36.0s -40º 06′ 00″ 7.5p 22 9 Plei
344 6416 Sco 17h 44m 19.9s -32º 21′ 40″ 5.7v 35 30 Plei
345 Sco 17h 44m 35.0s -33º 52′ 00″ 10.9v 12 4.8 Plei
346 6426 Oph 17h 44m 54.6s +03º 10′ 13″ 10.9v nl 4.2 Praes 39
347 Oph 17h 46m 18.0s -29º 20′ 00″ 8.8v 14 10 Plei
348 6425 Sco 17h 47m 01.6s -31º 31′ 46″ 7.2v 25 15 Plei
349 IC4665 Oph 17h 46m 18.0s +05º 43′ 00″ 4.2v 28 40 Plei
350 Oph 17h 48m 07.0s +01º 21′ 00″ 6.1v 25 40 Plei
351 Sgr 17h 49m 04.0s -28º 45′ 00″ 9.3v 22 8 Plei
352 6451 Sco 17h 50m 40.6s -30º 12′ 42″ 8.2v 40 7 Praes
353 6469 Sgr 17h 53m 12.1s -22º 16′ 30″ 8.2v 35 8 Plei
354 6475 (M7) Sco 17h 53m 51.1s -34º 47′ 34″ 3.3v 60 80 Plei
355 Tr.30 Sco 17h 56m 30.0s -35º 19′ 00″ 8.8p 50 10 Plei
356 6494 (M23) Sgr 17h 57m 04.7s -18º 59′ 07″ 5.5v 85 30 Praes
357 Tr.31 Sgr 17h 59m 49.0s -28º 10′ 00″ 9.8v 42 5 Plei
358 6507 Sgr 17h 59m 50.7s -17º 27′ 01″ 9.6v 16 6 Plei
359 Melotte 186 Oph 18h 01m 06.0s +02º 54′ 00″ 3.0v 15 240 Plei
360 6514 Sgr 18h 02m 20.9s -23º 01′ 38″ 6.3v 40 30 Neb
361 6520 Sgr 18h 03m 25.1s -27º 53′ 28″ 7.6v 20 6 Plei
362 6530 Sgr 18h 04m 31.0s -24º 21′ 29″ 4.6v 20 14 Neb
363 6531 (M21) Sgr 18h 04m 13.4s -22º 29′ 24″ 5.9v 25± 13 Plei
364 6540 Sgr 18h 06m 08.5s -27º 45′ 55″ 14.6v nl 1.5 Praes
365 6546 Sgr 18h 07m 22.5s -23º 17′ 46″ 8.0v 20 15 Praes
366 6544 Sgr 18h 07m 20.5s -24º 59′ 51″ 7.5v nl 8.9 Glob 41
367 Sgr 18h 09m 43.0s -23º 39′ 35″ 6.4 10 40 Neb
368 6558 Sgr 18h 10m 18.3s -31º 45′ 49″ 8.6v nl 3.7 Praes 42
369 6568 Sgr 18h 12m 45.1s -21º 34′ 59″ 8.6v 29 12 Plei
370 6583 Sgr 18h 15m 49.9s -22º 08′ 09″ 10.0v 30± 5 Praes
371 6595 Sgr 18h 17m 16.0s -19º 44′ 30″ 7.0v 12 4×3 Neb 43
372 Tr.32 SerCD 18h 17m 10.4s -13° 20′ 40″ 12.2p 20 6 Praes
373 6604 SerCD 18h 18m 02.9s -12º 14′ 35″ 6.5v 10± 4 μNorm
374 6603 Sgr 18h 18m 26.9s -18º 24′ 22″ 11.1v (100) 5 Praes 44
375 6611 (M16) SerCD 18h 18m 48.1s -13º 48′ 26″ 6.0v 30 21 Neb
376 6613 (M18) Sgr 18h 19m 58.4s -17º 06′ 07″ 6.9v 14 10 Plei
377 6618 Sgr 18h 21m 09.0s -16º 10′ 36″ 6.0v 27 27 Neb 45
378 Tr.33 Sgr 18h 24m 42.0s -19º 43′ 00″ 7.8v 10 6 Plei
379 6631 Sct 18h 27m 11.3s -12º 01′ 52″ 11.7v 20± 7 Praes
380 6633 Oph 18h 27m 15.2s +06º 30′ 30″ 4.6v 30 20 Plei
381 6642 Sgr 18h 31m 54.3s -23º 28′ 35″ 8.9v nl 5.8 Glob 46
382 IC4725 (M25) Sgr 18h 31m 36.0s -19º 15′ 00″ 4.6v 60 32 Praes
383 6645 Sgr 18h 32m 37.9s -16º 53′ 02″ 8.5v 100 15 Praes
384 6649 Sct 18h 33m 27.9s -10º 24′ 10″ 8.9v 15 5 Praes
385 6664 Sct 18h 36m 33.3s -08º 13′ 15″ 7.8v 28 16 Praes
386 IC4756 Ser 18h 39m 00.0s +05º 27′ 00″ 4.6v 120 52 Praes
387 Tr.34 Sct 18h 39m 48.0s -08º 29′ 00″ 8.6v 20 7 Plei 47
388 Tr.35 Sct 18h 42m 54.0s -04º 08′ 00″ 9.2v 25 9 Plei
389 6694 (M26) Sct 18h 45m 18.6s -09º 23′ 01″ 8.0v 18 14 Praes
390 6704 Sct 18h 50m 45.7s -05º 12′ 20″ 9.2v 20 6 Plei
391 6705 (M11) Sct 18h 51m 05.9s -06º 16′ 12″ 5.8v 100± 13 Glob 48
392 6709 Aql 18h 51m 18.9s +10º 19′ 07″ 6.7v 40 13 Praes
393 6716 Sgr 18h 54m 34.3s -19º 54′ 04″ 7.5v 15 6 Plei
394 Sgr 18h 52m 28.0s -20º 59′ 28″ 6.3v 22 22 Praes
395 6717 Sgr 18h 55m 05.9s -22º 42′ 06″ 8.4v nl 3.9 Glob 49
396 6738 Aql 19h 01m 21.5s +11º 36′ 56″ 8.3v 20 15 Plei
397 6755 Aql 19h 07m 49.0s +04º 15′ 59″ 7.5v 25 14 Plei
398 6756 Aql 19h 08m 42.5s +04º 42′ 21″ 10.6v (40) 4 Praes
399 4-5 Vul. Vul 19h 25m 24.0s +20º 11′ 00″ 3.6v 15 60 Plei 50
400 6802 Vul 19h 30m 35.0s +20º 15′ 39″ 8.8v 201 5 Plei
401 Aql 19h 38m 24.0s -00º 20′ 00″ 7p 1 μNorm
402 6811 Cyg 19h 37m 17.9s +46º 23′ 20″ 6.8v 40 12 Praes
403 6819 Cyg 19h 41m 18.0s +40º 11′ 12″ 7.3v 929 5 Plei
404 6820 Vul 19h 42m 27.9s +23º 05′ 17″ 14.9p 6 0.8 Neb 51
405 6823 Vul 19h 43m 09.8s +23º 18′ 00″ 7.1v 13 12 Plei
406 6830 Vul 19h 50m 59.5s +23º 06′ 00″ 7.9v 15 12 Plei
407 6834 Cyg 19h 52m 12.5s +29º 24′ 29″ 7.8v 40 5 Praes
408 Harv.20 Sge 19h 53m 06.0s +18º 20′ 00″ 7.7v 20 9 Plei
409 6838 Sge 19h 53m 46.1s +18º 46′ 42″ 8.4v 150± 7.2 Glob 52
410 6846 Cyg 19h 56m 28.0s +32º 20′ 59″ 14.2v (40) 0.5 Plei
411 Mel.227 Oct 20h 17m 19.0s -79º 02′ 00″ 5.3v 20 70 Plei
412 6866 Cyg 20h 03m 55.1s +44º 09′ 33″ 7.6v 20 6 Plei
413 6871 Cyg 20h 05m 59.3s +35º 46′ 38″ 5.2v 45 30 Plei
414 IC1311 Cyg 20h 10m 48.0s +41º 11′ 00″ 13.1p (60) 9 Glob 53
415 6883 Cyg 20h 11m 19.7s +35º 49′ 56″ 8.0v 18 35 Plei
416 6882 Vul 20h 11m 55.8s +26º 29′ 20″ 8.1v 20 20 Plei 54
417 6885 Vul 20h 11m 55.8s +26º 29′ 20″ 8.1v 40 20 Plei 54
418 IC4996 Cyg 20h 16m 31.7s +37º 38′ 35″ 7.3v 12 5 Plei
419 Cyg 20h 18m 06.0s +40º 43′ 00″ 7.6v 16 4.5 μNorm
420 6910 Cyg 20h 23m 12.0s +40º 46′ 43″ 7.4v 16 7 Plei
421 Cyg 20h 23m 18.0s +41º 42′ 00″ 10.1p 20 5 Praes
422 6913 (M29) Cyg 20h 23m 57.7s +38º 30′ 28″ 6.6v 15 6 Plei
423 6939 Cep 20h 31m 30.1s +60º 39′ 44″ 7.8v 40 7 Praes
424 6940 Vul 20h 34m 26.6s +28º 16′ 58″ 6.3v 90 31 Praes
425 6996 Cyg 20h 56m 29.9s +45º 28′ 23″ 10.0v 20 5 Neb 55
426 6994 (M73) Aqr 20h 58m 55.9s -12º 38′ 08″ 8.9v (4) 2.8 Glob 56
427 Cep 20h 59m 30.0s +68º 10′ 00″ 13.8v 6 4 Plei
428 Cyg 21h 03m 12.0s +44º 35′ 00″ 8.7p 40 13 Neb
429 7023 Cep 21h 01m 35.5s +68º 10′ 11″ nl nl 18 Neb 57
430 7031 Cyg 21h 07m 12.5s +50º 52′ 32″ 9.1v 15 5 Plei
431 7039 Cyg 21h 10m 47.7s +45º 37′ 19″ 7.6v 35 25 Plei
432 IC1369 Cyg 21h 12m 06.0s +47º 44′ 00″ 8.8v 10 8 Plei
433 7044 Cyg 21h 13m 09.3s +42º 29′ 46″ 12.0v 40 3.5 Praes
434 7062 Cyg 21h 23m 27.4s +46º 22′ 43″ 8.3v 10 6 Praes
435 7063 Cyg 21h 24m 21.7s +36º 29′ 15″ 7.0v 10 7 Plei
436 7067 Cyg 21h 24m 23.1s +48º 00′ 34″ 9.7v (47) 3 Praes
437 7086 Cyg 21h 30m 27.5s +51º 36′ 08″ 8.4v 20 9 Praes
438 7092 (M39) Cyg 21h 31m 48.3s +48º 26′ 55″ 4.6v 22 31 Plei
439 IC1396 Cep 21h 39m 06.0s +57º 30′ 00″ 3.5v 35 50 Plei
440 7128 Cyg 21h 43m 57.7s +53º 42′ 55″ 9.7v 10 3.1 Plei
441 7129 Cep 21h 42m 58.9s +66º 06′ 47″ 11.5p 7 7 Plei
442 7142 Cep 21h 45m 09.4s +65º 46′ 28″ 9.3v 12 4.3 Plei
443 7160 Cep 21h 53m 40.2s +62º 36′ 12″ 6.1v 16 7 Plei
444 7209 Lac 22h 05m 07.8s +46º 29′ 01″ 7.7v 30 25 Praes
445 IC1434 Lac 22h 10m 30.0s +52º 50′ 00″ 9.0p 30 7 Praes
446 7226 Cep 22h 10m 26.9s +55º 23′ 55″ 9.6v (83) 2 Praes
447 7235 Cep 22h 12m 24.9s +57º 16′ 17″ 7.7v 12 4 Plei
448 7243 Lac 22h 15m 08.5s +49º 53′ 51″ 6.4v 40 21 Plei
449 7245 Lac 22h 15m 11.5s +54º 20′ 33″ 9.2v (169) 5 Plei
450 7261 Cep 22h 20m 11.3s +58º 07′ 19″ 8.4v 18 5 Plei
451 7296 Lac 22h 28m 02.8s +52º 17′ 21″ 9.7v 10 3 Plei
452 7380 Cep 22h 47m 20.9s +58º 07′ 57″ 7.2v 20 12 Plei
453 7419 Cep 22h 54m 20.0s +60º 48′ 56″ 13.0v (40) 6 Praes
454 7510 Cep 23h 11m 03.7s +60º 34′ 15″ 7.9v 10± 7 Plei
455 7654 (M52) Cas 23h 24m 50.4s +61º 36′ 24″ 6.9v 35 16 Praes
456 7686 And 23h 30m 07.3s +49º 08′ 03″ 5.6v 20 14 Plei 58
457 7762 Cep 23h 50m 01.7s +68º 02′ 17″ 10.0p (40) 15 Praes
458 Harv.21 Cas 23h 54m 06.0s +61º 46′ 00″ 9.0p 10± 6 Plei 59
459 7788 Cas 23h 56m 45.5s +61º 24′ 00″ 9.4v 15 4 Plei
460 7789 Cas 23h 57m 24.0s +56º 42′ 30″ 6.7v 100 25 Praes
461 7790 Cas 23h 58m 24.2s +61º 12′ 30″ 8.5v 18 5 Plei
462 189 Cas 00h 39m 35.7s +61º 05′ 40″ 8.8v (90) 5 Plei
463 (20a) Cas 01h 48m 24.0s +71º 57′ 00″ nl nl nl Plei
464 (60a) Cam 05h 22m 00.0s +73º 00′ 00″ 4.2p nl 120 Plei
465 (127a) Mon 07h 07m 12.0s -10º 37′ 00″ 10.1p nl 9 Praes
466 (127b) Mon 07h 07m 18.0s -10º 49′ 00″ 11.1p (25) 4 Praes
467 (156a) (Mel 72 per A/H) Mon 07h 38m 29.0s -10º 33′ 00″ 10.1v (40) 5 Praes 15
468 (364a) Sgr 18h 06m 36.0s -27º 28′ 00″ 11v 8 0.9 Plei
469 (370a) Sgr 18h 16m 33.0s -18º 18′ 34″ 9.1v (51) 2.6 Plei
470 (442a) IC5146 Cyg 21h 53m 24.0s +47º 16′ 00″ 7.2v (110) 9 Neb
471 (444a) Cep 22h 07m 06.0s +72º 00′ 00″ nl nl 130 Plei

Notes for Specific Objects

Nearly all the notes below were gleaned from the book Star Clusters by Brent A. Archinal and Steven J. Hynes.   Specific references to portions of the book are provided where they seemed especially useful.

  1. Cr 8: Collinder lists as the NGC designation for this cluster the number 281.   However, NGC 281 is itself not a cluster, but a reflection nebula.   The cluster Collinder studied here is properly designated IC 1590.


  1. Cr 21: Asterism.


  1. Cr 24 & Cr 25: The Double Cluster


  1. Cr 26: More likely to be found on charts as IC 1805.


  1. Cr 32/33/34: Essentially all parts of one complex, IC 1848 per A/H pg 134.


  1. Cr. 39: Perseus Moving Cluster/Group (Mel 20).


  1. Cr. 41: Often depicted elsewhere as a bright nebula without mention of the loose cluster involved.


  1. Cr 50: TMC = Taurus Moving Cluster.


  1. Cr. 63: Associated with nebula IC 410.


  1. Cr. 69: a.k.a. Lambda Orionis cluster.


  1. Cr. 70: Orion belt cluster.


  1. Cr. 81: Sometimes erroneously listed as a globular cluster.


  1. Cr. 84: The NGC number listed by Collinder is properly assigned to the nebulosity surrounding Cr.84, NOT to the cluster itself (which may not actually be a cluster).


  1. Cr. 109 Some references give an erroneous location of 06h 38.4m +01° 11′ due to an original error by Collinder.


  1. Cr 156: According to A/H Collinder 156=Mel 72=Cr 467.


  1. Cr 182: It is possible that this is not an actual star cluster.


  1. Cr 191: The center of a super cluster (A/H p. 137); good binocular object.


  1. Cr. 199 and 202: something of a messy situation, with Cr 202 (Harvard 3) being included as a separate cluster by various authors, but with very different coordinates, even though Harv. 3 is actually “inside” of NGC 2669 (Cr 199); Cr 202 is apparently a central condensation of the larger cluster. (See A/H p. 168)


  1. Cr. 206: an open cluster that actually includes a planetary nebula; A/H argue that the planetary nebula should be given the NGC designation used by Collinder, with the cluster being identified as Cr 206.


  1. Cr. 220: In assembling his catalog Collinder incorrectly identified this cluster as NGC 3247, when it was in fact a “new” cluster. Sold himself short. The NGC number is left in the spreadsheet because some references have apparently perpetuated this error.


  1. Cr. 221: May not be a true star cluster.


  1. Cr. 233 and 234: Both Collinder entries refer to the eta Carinae star cluster, with 234 applied by Collinder to the southern portion.   The entire object is properly known as Trumpler 16.


  1. Cr. 239 & 240: Another cluster in a cluster; 239 = NGC 3572, while 240 should be only a Cr. #.


  1. Cr. 243 (Tr.19): Described by Skiff as “not obvious in 0.35 degree field.”


  1. Cr. 254: Probably not a true cluster.


  1. Cr 257 & 258: Apparently labeled incorrectly some places as Harv. 5 or Hogg 74.   (A/H p. 132 for details.)


  1. Cr. 264: J. Herschel’s “Jewel Box.”


  1. Cr. 265: Probably not a true cluster.


  1. Cr. 267: This is actually a globular cluster. (A/H p.237)


  1. Cr. 269: Probably not a true cluster.


  1. Cr. 283: Probably not a true cluster.


  1. Cr. 294: Probably not a true cluster.


  1. Cr. 314: According to A/H Collinder was apparently incorrect in identifying this cluster with NGC 6222.   No NSOG reference to this cluster under either designation.   However, older atlases such as Norton’s 19th edition show NGC 6222 is the specified position, as does the newer HB Astroatlas.   The HCNGC lists NGC 6222 and Cr. 314 as synonymous.


  1. Cr. 316: Appears to be superposed on Tr. 24, and may be part of the same cluster.


  1. Cr. 328: Collinder and his mentor apparently thought this might be a globular cluster.   Later studies have verified that this is indeed the case.


  1. Cr. 330: Another globular cluster caught up in Collinder’s survey.


  1. Cr. 334 & 335: Duplicate listings; NGC 6374 is not a separate open cluster.


  1. Cr. 339: Collinder provides NGC 6393 for this objects, which turns out to be a galaxy in Draco. The coordinates in Collinder’s catalog actually point to an object in Scorpius, and a check of the Historically Corrected New General Catalogue (HCNGC) Ver 1.02 shows NGC 6396 as the correct alias for Cr. 339.   Data from the HCNGC has been used in the updated list.


  1. Cr. 346: Another misidentified globular cluster.


  1. Cr. 364: Another misidentified globular cluster.


  1. Cr. 366: This really is, as Collinder and Lundmark believed, a globular cluster.


  1. Cr. 368: Another globular cluster, which was not considered certain in Collinder’s time.


  1. Cr. 371: The NGC number applied by Collinder is actually a reference to the nebula around the cluster.   He discovered the cluster himself, but apparently did not know he was first to make the distinction.


  1. Cr. 374: This cluster is embedded within M24.


  1. Cr. 377: Cluster associated with M17.


  1. Cr. 381: Yet another cluster considered a globular when Collinder assembled his catalog. It’s globular status has since been verified.


  1. Cr. 387: May not be a real cluster.


  1. Cr. 391: Collinder apparently considered M11 a globular cluster.


  1. Cr. 395: A strange “object” that appears to be globular cluster NGC 6717 (Palomar 9) very near IC 4802, an OC along the same line of sight.


  1. Cr. 399: The ‘Coathanger’ asterism, which is not a true star cluster.


  1. Cr. 404: May be an asterism associated with nebula NGC 6820.


  1. Cr. 409: Globular cluster M71.


  1. Cr. 414: Was considered a possible globular cluster when Collinder made the catalog.


  1. Cr. 416 & 417: Possibly only a part of NGC 6885.


  1. Cr. 425: Probably an asterism in a nebulous region.


  1. Cr. 426: It is thought that Collinder’s description of M73 is actually for M72, a globular cluster, and not the object he intended for Cr. 426.


  1. Cr. 429: Possible cluster associated with NGC 7023; the NGC number does not actually refer to his cluster.


  1. Cr. 456: May not be a true cluster.


  1. Cr.458: Another grouping that may not be a real cluster.


  1. Cr. 471: Associated with the nebula identified by IC 5146; this number does not apply directly to the cluster.

This project was originally published on the Cloudy Nights Telescope Review website.



Posted May 30, 2015 by underdesertstars

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